October 28, 2010

I want to know.

I want to be an artist. I want to be wise. I want to be a carpenter. I want to lay in the tall grass. I want to be a fashion designer. I want to ride a horse bareback. I want to be an architect. I want to be happy. I want to be surrounded by people I love. I want to hang-glide. I want to be a bartender. I want to hope. I want to be a nurse. I want to have a shop on Etsy. I want to be a humanitarian. I want to go cliff diving. I want to eat. I want to be someone’s superhero. I want to be a chemist. I want to end world hunger. I want to listen to live music. I want to be a photographer. I want to love. I want to see the world. I want to be a fashion designer. I want to give. I want to cook. I want to be a part of world peace. I want to teach. I want to hear laughter. I want to help. I want to travel. I want to scuba dive. I want to be poetic. I want to drive across the country. I want to soar.

I want to know who I am.

March 1, 2010

M-m-m-m-m-muuusic Monday!

Late of the Pier. I can't quite recall when I heard about them, but not until recently did I actually look them up and spend time listening to them. Either way, I'm in love with them now. I just got the whole Fantasy Black Channel album and it's amazing. I really dont know what kind of genre it is, not even the slightest idea. But! Who cares. It's good stuff right there.

I just picked up my guitar again from a really long time, about two months or so. Surprisingly it wasn't as hard to get back into the groove of things. I enjoyed it. I just need to get a string because I'm missing one, it gets annoying.

February 27, 2010

Tying up loose ends.

Elephants are the cutest. No joke, they're my favorite animal. A couple years back in a biology class we
watched a video on elephants and they are so much more complex than anyone could have imagined.

This is kind of my motto in life. A way to live by of sorts. "It is what it is". A lot of things you can't do much about and you have to let it roll off your shoulder. Sometimes when conflict arises, the only thing you can do is to just leave it alone rather than create loads of unnecessary drama. I hate drama.

I love polaroids. I love theme parks. I love the colors sky blue and yellow. This picture is amazing.
Personally, I think a theme park would be an awesome first date. Or any date for that matter really. There are things to do, many distractions so if it gets in the slightest bit awkward you can divert the attention away from yourselves and onto something else. Theme parks are also great fun for friends... or... anything really. Honestly, I think I might to go one by myself. Who cares if no one wants to join me! Theme parks are a symbol for: summer, fun, sugar, friends, and awesomeness. I can't wait until the next one comes around. I'll make sure I can go. The past couple of years I haven't gone because I either don't have the money or my parents didn't want to go because their not much of the spend money or ride amazing rides type.

I've recently become aware of Polyvore the website. It's AMAZING. You can look up any article of clothing you might find on a clothing website and people have put up possible outfit ideas. Genius. You can also create an account and do the same. I haven't quite got up the guts to do it. I really wouldn't want any hate on my pieces.

Oh! For future reference, a lot of my inspirations come from Threadbanger. They also have a lot of awesome videos on youtube. That's actually where I came across their videos because I was looking up a tutorial for something. I can't quite recall what I was looking for but I found it and so much more! They have a whole website that includes the tutorials and forums where other threadbangers post their creations and you can comment on it. At the moment I'm a long-time lurker on the forums. One of these days I'll get the guts to actually post something.

February 24, 2010

Odd Blood

Has it really been that long since I've posted? Good gracious that's too long! I have a feeling this might be an extra-long post, just to make up for lost time. I suppose I'll start off with music this time...

Yeasayer. To be honest... the first time I listened to them I wasn't too keen on it. But, I knew I should give them another try because the friend who introduced me to them really likes them. Not to mention they're coming to town in a couple months. I took the time to listen during my ridiculous late nights where I really should be in bed, but I wasn't at all tired so I just piddled around online. Now I really like them! I can't wait to see them live. It really is going to be a great experience. That friend (who by the way is new blogger http://vomnik.blogspot.com/), Nick, is really bummed he's not going to be able to see them since he's going to be in HAWAII. Ugh, I wanna go somewhere tropical. I dont care if I have to miss a million concerts. I wanna go! But, he and the rest of his friends are going to the Sasquatch Festival. Which, by the way, has an awesome line up. At least to me it is, there are a lot of artists that I'd love to see that are going to be there. OK Go, Massive Attack, Passion Pit, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Neon Indian, MGMT, The New Pornographers, MIIKE SNOW ( I'm really bummed about that one), those are just to name a few. So... I don't feel so bad about going to the Yeasayer concert without him.

I think the reason why I haven't posted anything is because I spend way too much time on facebook. I swear, it's like a black hole that sucks all your time.  I dont even mean to be on that long! But then I end up staring at my homepage thinking that if I stare at it long enough something miraculous will happen. Nothing ever happens. All I've been doing is sleep, eat, facebook, eat, facebook, eat, sleep. I haven't even been doing schoolwork! I've pretty much given up. I can't WAIT for next quarter. It's going to be as easy as cake. All I'm taking is History and Ceramics.  I am so stoked. Especially since it's going to be spring... which means more sun!
It's been sunny lately. I should've taken advantage of it. But I didn't. I totally could have taken the opportunity to take pictures of my projects out in the sun. I did go to Goodwill though and scored some awesome records: Grease! Pat Benatar! The Commodores! and I found Earth, Wind, and Fire but then realized there was no record in there. UGH worst day ever! But, I think I might make some super sweet notebook or something out of it.

Currently I'm making a playlist for that friend Nick. It's so hard! Especially because I feel as though his musical knowledge is superior to mine. I really want him to like it! Not go, "ugh, I hate this song" *click -- next song plays* "Dude, seriously? She knows nothing about music!!" That would suck if that happened. I'm also trying to think of people he may not know of. Which is hard in itself because he knows A LOT of artists. I swear, I'm spending so much time on this. But.. I think I finished it and I really hope he enjoys it.

So, I'm kinda obsessed with Comic-con... I don't know why... I might talk more about that later.

And now! I'm off to go get some PHO! I finally had it for the first time not too long ago and I LOVED it.

Signin' out --- As my bud Nadia always says "Peace, love, and buttermilk biscuits."

January 25, 2010

It's Blitz!

With school going on and actually getting invited places I haven't really had time to finish any of my projects or take pictures of previous ones. I swear they'll come sometime soon! The weeks go by way too fast now and I never feel like I accomplished anything.

I found this picture a while back, but I love it.
Everything about it really.
I like the yellow of her dress, I love the dress itself. The effect on the picture like it's realy old or partly sketched or something makes it awesome and I love the castle in the background. Almost a modernized Cinderella picture.

I've been putting off getting a guitar string for the longest time. Because of that I haven't been playing much and my fingers are going soft again. I'm sure I'll get around to it... sometime. I swear, I'm a hardcore procrastinator. One of the best out there.

So, I dont know how long Yeah Yeah Yeahs have had their newest album, It's Blitz!, out but I recently got it and I was pleasantly surprised. It took me off guard to find that the majority of the album is very chilled out. Other than Heads Will Roll, which is a really great song, they are all very low key in comparison to their past albums which had very angsty lyrics and overall was like that. Now, many friends of mine have said that they think its way more mainstream and what  public wants. But hey, I'm the public right? and I like it a lot.


January 22, 2010

My Dreams Are the Sun

See that golden hue
Burning in the west
My dreams are with that color
My dreams are the sun
The sun always sets
But never seems to rise

That sun carries my dreams
Slowly out of my reach
I watch it slide away
Leaving me behind
The color disappears
My dreams are with that sun

Whenever the sun sets
It rises in another place
A place blessed by that light
My dreams are hidden in that light
At my window seat
I watch the sun take it all away
My dreams are with the sun
My dreams are the sun

--- Dawn Michelle

On my mind...

Aight so, right now I'm listening to some indie band on myspace.

http://www.myspace.com/sweatshopkid  <--- Check it .  So, this band "Sweatshop Kid" is pretty fan-freakin-tastic. I don't really "know" these kids but I have some mutual friends involved. Which I think is pretty tight.

January 18, 2010

Wow, Music Monday again?

I've been really busy this past week. Currently I'm taking all online courses so I can plan my days out if I somehow have plans for the weekend. This past week was exactly that. I did about a fulls week worth of work on Wednesday so I could enjoy my weekend without homework nagging the ends of my brain. I shouldn't forget to mention what a whirlwind my weekend was. Friday was the first party I've left early because there was too much underage drinking. It just wasn't a great place to be, so my friend and our cargroup left early. It was fun while it lasted, right? I enjoy making new friends. Though it makes me kind of anxious, I feel as if I'm venturing into new territory. Growing up I never had many friends so a lot of it is new to me. But it's very exciting, and I love it.

I've been talking a lot about traveling lately with friends. It's starting to drive me insane. Plus, the weather here is so dreary that I long for warm weather. Honestly, I feel like a plant that starts to wither without sunlight.

Currently I have my sights set on Florida. Mainly because I have been there before AND one of my best friends is from there. I'm going to make her take me next time she goes. It's warm all  year round (minus this crazy weather they're having right now) and thats perfect for me! I also hear they get some pretty fantastic lightning storms which would be awesome to see.

I'm starting to count all the places I want to go, and in comparison to my work situation it's pretty pathetic. I'd like to go to:
1. The whole United Kingdom
2. Spain
3. Italy
4. Greece
5. Yugoslavian peninsula (is it still called that?)
6. Italian countryside
7. Middle east (Isreal, Lebanon)
8. South Africa
9. Australia/New Zealand
10. South America (primarily Argentina)

Work situation = Non-existant.
I need a job. STAT. Another one of my best friends just got a job today. I am SOOOO happy for her. Things are starting to look up. It gives me hope that things can work out for me too. Not that they're looking bleak at the moment, just that everything turns out well in the end when you have your priorities straight.

Alright, so I should get to the music eventually right? I'll just give you what I'm listening to at the moment.
Pyramiddd , They're so great. I was just introduced to them a couple days ago and I havent stopped listening to the song "Medicine". I'm going to say right now that I'm horrible at describing music. For me... it's all music and I just like it for whatever reason. Not because it's the same genre as the other music I listen to (Oh yeah, I suck at genres too) but.. I just like it. Anyways, the friend that introduced me to Walter Meego showed me this band too. I swear, he's a pool of musical wisdom.

January 11, 2010

You know I'd wait forever, if I had time to.

I'm officially starting Music Monday! Very unoriginal, I understand, but I figured I should start with something!

Forever by Walter Meego

I am officially in love with this song. A friend of mine just introduced me to it last night and I have not stopped listening to it since. Right off the bat you're immersed into the happy-go-lucky synth sounds that Walter Meego is so great at. I don't know about others but I know that I get visions of summer and driving with the windows down on a sunny day when I listen to this. Just the kind of music I love.

January 3, 2010


I think it must be a sign, if on my first blogpost, when I'm ALMOST done my internet explorer freezes up.

Isn't this a great way to start off the year? With FAILURE. It's 2010 and it's cause for great celebration right? So many things to look forward to. A new year, a new decade, definitely some new years resolutions. This year I wanted to start a blog, and actually be consistent with it. So, here I am.

I've already had this blog for quite some time now. Though, it was unnecessary rants about my pathetic life and what I'd like to do with it, instead of me taking action in the real world. So, I'll be deleting those so no trace of them will be found. Because, honestly, they're useless. What I intend to do with this blog now is to "showcase" some of my projects that I've done. Such as my various sewing projects. Now, I know I'm not tht great, but those who view this are mainly friends of mine who I have told I would show them. But, I thought to myself that this blog would be very dull if that were the only thing I talked about. (Is it just me or have I used the word blog a lot?)

So, what I PLAN on doing is being consistent with this and just talk about whatever I darn well please! Such as showing current music obsessions, places I'd like to go, current fascinations... Anything! Mainly this blog will be so I have something to occupy myself with and have some sense of satisfaction in my life. Hey! Maybe it'll even get me to finish more projects and being creative. Whatever it may be.. I'll have fun doing it. That's all that matters right?