March 1, 2010

M-m-m-m-m-muuusic Monday!

Late of the Pier. I can't quite recall when I heard about them, but not until recently did I actually look them up and spend time listening to them. Either way, I'm in love with them now. I just got the whole Fantasy Black Channel album and it's amazing. I really dont know what kind of genre it is, not even the slightest idea. But! Who cares. It's good stuff right there.

I just picked up my guitar again from a really long time, about two months or so. Surprisingly it wasn't as hard to get back into the groove of things. I enjoyed it. I just need to get a string because I'm missing one, it gets annoying.

1 comment:

Hipstercrite said...

Susy Pea! Thank you for the comment you left on my blog. It made me so happy. Don't be afraid to take chances. Nothing is permanent. At your age, you can make any decision and then change it again and again if you'd like. It sounds like you're a brave girl! Don't ever lose that!