February 27, 2010

Tying up loose ends.

Elephants are the cutest. No joke, they're my favorite animal. A couple years back in a biology class we
watched a video on elephants and they are so much more complex than anyone could have imagined.

This is kind of my motto in life. A way to live by of sorts. "It is what it is". A lot of things you can't do much about and you have to let it roll off your shoulder. Sometimes when conflict arises, the only thing you can do is to just leave it alone rather than create loads of unnecessary drama. I hate drama.

I love polaroids. I love theme parks. I love the colors sky blue and yellow. This picture is amazing.
Personally, I think a theme park would be an awesome first date. Or any date for that matter really. There are things to do, many distractions so if it gets in the slightest bit awkward you can divert the attention away from yourselves and onto something else. Theme parks are also great fun for friends... or... anything really. Honestly, I think I might to go one by myself. Who cares if no one wants to join me! Theme parks are a symbol for: summer, fun, sugar, friends, and awesomeness. I can't wait until the next one comes around. I'll make sure I can go. The past couple of years I haven't gone because I either don't have the money or my parents didn't want to go because their not much of the spend money or ride amazing rides type.

I've recently become aware of Polyvore the website. It's AMAZING. You can look up any article of clothing you might find on a clothing website and people have put up possible outfit ideas. Genius. You can also create an account and do the same. I haven't quite got up the guts to do it. I really wouldn't want any hate on my pieces.

Oh! For future reference, a lot of my inspirations come from Threadbanger. They also have a lot of awesome videos on youtube. That's actually where I came across their videos because I was looking up a tutorial for something. I can't quite recall what I was looking for but I found it and so much more! They have a whole website that includes the tutorials and forums where other threadbangers post their creations and you can comment on it. At the moment I'm a long-time lurker on the forums. One of these days I'll get the guts to actually post something.

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