February 24, 2010

Odd Blood

Has it really been that long since I've posted? Good gracious that's too long! I have a feeling this might be an extra-long post, just to make up for lost time. I suppose I'll start off with music this time...

Yeasayer. To be honest... the first time I listened to them I wasn't too keen on it. But, I knew I should give them another try because the friend who introduced me to them really likes them. Not to mention they're coming to town in a couple months. I took the time to listen during my ridiculous late nights where I really should be in bed, but I wasn't at all tired so I just piddled around online. Now I really like them! I can't wait to see them live. It really is going to be a great experience. That friend (who by the way is new blogger http://vomnik.blogspot.com/), Nick, is really bummed he's not going to be able to see them since he's going to be in HAWAII. Ugh, I wanna go somewhere tropical. I dont care if I have to miss a million concerts. I wanna go! But, he and the rest of his friends are going to the Sasquatch Festival. Which, by the way, has an awesome line up. At least to me it is, there are a lot of artists that I'd love to see that are going to be there. OK Go, Massive Attack, Passion Pit, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Neon Indian, MGMT, The New Pornographers, MIIKE SNOW ( I'm really bummed about that one), those are just to name a few. So... I don't feel so bad about going to the Yeasayer concert without him.

I think the reason why I haven't posted anything is because I spend way too much time on facebook. I swear, it's like a black hole that sucks all your time.  I dont even mean to be on that long! But then I end up staring at my homepage thinking that if I stare at it long enough something miraculous will happen. Nothing ever happens. All I've been doing is sleep, eat, facebook, eat, facebook, eat, sleep. I haven't even been doing schoolwork! I've pretty much given up. I can't WAIT for next quarter. It's going to be as easy as cake. All I'm taking is History and Ceramics.  I am so stoked. Especially since it's going to be spring... which means more sun!
It's been sunny lately. I should've taken advantage of it. But I didn't. I totally could have taken the opportunity to take pictures of my projects out in the sun. I did go to Goodwill though and scored some awesome records: Grease! Pat Benatar! The Commodores! and I found Earth, Wind, and Fire but then realized there was no record in there. UGH worst day ever! But, I think I might make some super sweet notebook or something out of it.

Currently I'm making a playlist for that friend Nick. It's so hard! Especially because I feel as though his musical knowledge is superior to mine. I really want him to like it! Not go, "ugh, I hate this song" *click -- next song plays* "Dude, seriously? She knows nothing about music!!" That would suck if that happened. I'm also trying to think of people he may not know of. Which is hard in itself because he knows A LOT of artists. I swear, I'm spending so much time on this. But.. I think I finished it and I really hope he enjoys it.

So, I'm kinda obsessed with Comic-con... I don't know why... I might talk more about that later.

And now! I'm off to go get some PHO! I finally had it for the first time not too long ago and I LOVED it.

Signin' out --- As my bud Nadia always says "Peace, love, and buttermilk biscuits."

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